Tag: Crane Lake MN RV Campgrounds

Why RV camping is the best way to explore

rv setup

rv setupWe are bombarded by excessive stimulation, such as TVs, cellphones and other screens, which can make us feel anxious and overwhelmed. Exposure to nature, whether it’s a walk in a park or a week-long RV trip, is enough to reduce stress and improve mood.

The coolest way to travel the world is by RV. Add an RV for comfort and convenience to the classic roadtrip.

RV camping has unique advantages that you will not experience in a hotel room or tent. It gives you greater freedom and mobility, while still providing the comforts and amenities you would find at home. It combines both the best and worst of both worlds.

Other reasons to RV camp:

  • Camping is possible all year round.

Many travelers are still cautious after the pandemic, even though travel plans have begun to improve. With an RV, you can stay right in your own comfort zone. You have everything you need in the RV.

According to the U.S. Travel Association, Americans are nearly four times as likely to feel secure in their own vehicle when compared with domestic flights. The Association’s “safe” list places visiting a campground or park higher than renting a home or a hotel. It’s only second to a roadtrip.

Motorhomes are equipped with heaters and insulation, which makes it possible to camp comfortably almost year-round.Some campers prefer autumn and winter, because they offer a completely different experience. Camping during off-season is also a great way to avoid crowds, bugs (in winter) and pay less for campsite entrance fees.

  • Glamping is a great way to have fun.

Some people may not enjoy a trip into the wilderness, but they might find it appealing to have some basic comforts like running water and a bathroom. RV camping is the solution to this problem, as it allows you to enjoy all of your home comforts and luxury while still being close to nature.

Adventure in Camping offers a wide range of vacation trailers that are equipped with power, sewer, and water hookups.

  • You can be more flexible with your trip.

RV camping is a great way to have a spontaneous vacation. Want to visit the city to sample local cuisine? You could also take a quick trip to a nearby ghost town, mine, museum or other place that interests you.

Adventure in Camping can help you plan your RV camping if mobility and comfort is your top priority. You can choose between more than 80 “partners” campsites in the Eastern Sierra. Each one offers a unique landscape and the amenities and activities they provide. RV camping is safer.

RV camping is a great option if you enjoy nature walks, but hate the idea of sleeping in the open.RV camping is a kind of home on wheels where you can lock up your belongings and go out to do activities such as hiking, fishing or boating.

  • You can save money on your hotel stay.

When traveling with friends, RVs are generally cheaper than hotels. This is particularly true if you plan to cook your own meals, travel during off-season and bring sports equipment like fishing rods or bikes. Even frequent travelers are aware of how much hotel costs and other accommodations can add up. This is especially true if they’re traveling as a family. RVing is perhaps the most cost-effective form of travel.

You will be able to get off the beaten track.

A home on wheels allows you to travel to places that most people will never experience. The most beautiful places in America are often far away from any towns or lodging.The trek is worth it, particularly if you are using an RV. There are no baggage fees.

You can’t bring everything — even mobile homes with the largest weight limit are limited — but you will be able to get close. When compared to traveling by plane or train, where your luggage is limited and you are charged a lot to store it, RVs allow you to pack light.

You can take everything you need for comfort on the road if you have the storage space.

You can slow down.

A “traditional” holiday is usually planned to the minute. Everyone has experienced the stress that comes with rushing to make a flight or check in to a hotel.RV travel allows you to go at your own pace. Take a day to explore a museum or park; drive around and stop when you see something that is worth stopping for. You can stop wherever you like, whenever you want.

You can just let things flow when you don’t have to worry about returning to your hotel each night. Your trip will be more spontaneous thanks to the flexibility that RV travel provides.

It’s pet-friendly.

This is a point that speaks for itself. You do not have to worry about leaving your furry family members at home, or putting them in uncomfortably shaped travel carriers when you fly. Welcome aboard, copilot!

You are brought together by the same thing.

Even the largest RVs aren’t exactly luxurious. It’s good to be close. You and your traveling companions will have plenty of time to bond. Isn’t this the best part of vacation?

This is a home away from home.

You can stay in an RV like you would a hotel suite whenever you want. An RV that is designed according to your specifications can be your happy place.

You can also have the comforts of home. You can customize appliances, furniture and fixtures to make you feel at home even when you’re far away.

You can create a community instantly.

Camping is a place of camaraderie unlike any other. In a hotel you may never have met your neighbor. But in RV parks people from around the world seem to find common ground. Over the campfire, it’s not uncommon to make a new friend and share travel stories. The campground is a place that no stranger stays for very long in a world of increasing distrust.

Final Word

RV camping is a combination of tent camping and hotel stays: you are closer to the nature, but without having to sacrifice comfort or luxury. You can also enjoy an adventure that is more spontaneous without having to break the bank.


Exploring the Increasing Popularity of RV Camping

rv setup

rv setupIn recent years, RV camping has become increasingly popular. More and more people are taking to the roads in RVs to explore new places and enjoy the great outdoors. But why has RV camping become so popular? Let’s take a look.

The Great Outdoors

RV camping offers an unparalleled opportunity to get out into nature and explore all that it has to offer. With an RV, you can go anywhere at any time — no matter what season. Whether you want to spend a week in the woods or just a few days, an RV gives you the freedom to pick up and go whenever you want. Plus, since most RVs come with all of your basic necessities already onboard—kitchen, bathroom, bedroom—you don’t have to worry about packing up all your gear each time you want to go somewhere new.

Family Bonding Time

RV camping is also a great way for families to bond together while experiencing something entirely new (or revisiting a favorite spot). It’s not only fun but also educational; children learn valuable life skills like navigation, map reading, budgeting, problem solving and more when they join their parents on an RV trip. And since space is limited in most RVs, family members must work together as a team to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy throughout the journey.


Finally, one of the main reasons why so many people are opting for RV camping is its affordability compared to traditional vacations. Not only do you save money by not having to pay for hotels or restaurants every night, but you also don’t have to deal with expensive airline tickets or car rentals either! An RV vacation gives you the freedom and flexibility that other forms of travel simply cannot provide.


At the end of the day, it’s clear why so many people are turning toward RV camping as their preferred form of travel these days: it’s affordable, it allows them to explore new places with their families while bonding together as well as learning valuable life lessons along the way. So if you’re looking for a unique way to get out into nature this summer without breaking the bank – consider going on an RV adventure! You won’t regret it!

RV Vacations are the Best

RV Camping Crane Lake MN

RV Camping Crane Lake MNIt is easy to take a trip in today’s twenty-first century. Google is a quick way to search for accommodation and flights anywhere in the United States or internationally. You could enjoy the same benefits as traveling in your own RV but it would cost you much less. You have the freedom to travel to any location you want. You can drive your truck on any road that leads to it. Even if you don’t see the road heading there, it is possible to drive on dirt roads.

The recent global health crisis has caused the prices of travel and accommodation to plummet. You can now enjoy a relaxing vacation in any of the many tropical destinations for half the cost if there isn’t a pandemic. The thing is, even with the enormously reduced cost of traveling and staying in other parts of the world, an RV will still provide a more affordable vacation. The best thing about motorhomes and campers is the freedom to avoid large groups.

Explore the Road via Google Maps

You’ve probably been in an RV before and know how much fun it is to travel on the roads. There are many things to do out there. But there is always something new to see. It’s impossible to get bored by staying in the same place for more than two weeks.

It’s never too late to go camping. There’s no better time than now to get out of town and explore the wilds of the rest of the world. Do you get tired of sitting in your home, surrounded with the dangers and fears of a large, densely populated area, while the vastness of the world is right outside? An RV that meets your needs is all you need.

The Right Way to Take Advantage of a Camping Trip

RV camping offers many benefits that make it a more affordable option than traditional vacations. Anyone who regularly RVs will tell you how much cheaper it is to use their campervan to travel. You don’t have to make arrangements for an AirBNB or worry about finding a place to sleep. You won’t have to wait for hours in airports or have your bags searched by TSA agents. RV camping is flexible and allows you to have your privacy back. It is also one of the most valuable investments you can make in a world that is battling a virus that spreads quickly. What makes RVing better than flying to any destination?

1. Learn about the World Around You

You probably remember when field trips were important for you to get to know your local area. An RV allows you to take a field trip whenever you want. You can choose the sites you wish to see on your trip because you are in charge of the RV. The whole continental United States is rich in history, culture and religion. This tapestry is unique to America. You can sit comfortably on your couch and view these sites on TV. But, wouldn’t it be better to get in your RV and see them for yourself?

You can explore the wonders of the country by heading out to national parks and forests. You can watch the natural world unfold around you if you have a pair of binoculars. There are many places where you can fish or hunt if you aren’t a keen birdwatcher. You might be able to teach your children survival skills that can help them. You can do this by visiting dispersed campsites located in several states.

You can find a variety of educational activities in urban and suburban areas that are more suitable for those who don’t like to be outdoors. Museums, libraries, historic towns, and other cultural institutions offer hands-on experiences that are rich in history and culture. A tour plan that takes you from one point to another on a route is a unique way to make your getaway truly exotic. You don’t even have to return to your hotel at the end of each day. It’s easy to find the best view, park your camper, and watch the sunset wherever it comes.

2. Unplugging from the Connected World

Constant connectivity is one of the most daunting aspects of our daily lives. The connection between cell phones and the internet has reached new, almost unbearable heights. They are useful tools but they can also invade your privacy and freedom like no other utility. If you work in an office, you might have thousands of emails each day that can drive you crazy. Social media is the 21st century’s answer to keeping up with the Joneses. It can be mentally exhausting to have all your friends and their drama. Unplug is the only way to get out of this mess.

You don’t need to worry about internet connection when you travel by RV across the country. Many campsites along the road don’t have internet access. Many of these campsites are not capable of receiving cell reception, which makes unplugging easier. If you are traveling to an area without an electrical connection, the power of your generator or RV will limit your ability to provide electricity. Not only is it good for your mind, but also your body. It is relaxing to sleep under the stars with no artificial light. It can also help you to get out of the modern world for a while and allow you to see the bigger picture. This will help you to refocus your efforts to reach your goals. You might need a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life, and RVing in an isolated campsite could be just what you are looking for.

3. Meet New People

It is a very close-knit community. Because of the unpredictable nature of life on the road, many RVers travel in campers and share a bond with fellow trekkers. When you are at your breaking point, it is not unusual to be helped by another RV. Online forums that provide information about where RVers can stay tend to have lots of people commenting and correcting each other’s posts. Although you might find an odd person who prefers to live his own life, the majority of RVers are friendly and contagious.

You might find other campers nearby if you put your camper up on a site. It can be much easier to make friends with your neighbors while camping than to try to get to know the people next to you. It’s easy to make a connection with someone while camping. It’s easy to share an interest and it will surprise you how much you can learn from each other. Meeting fellow RVers at campgrounds around the country has helped to build strong friendships. RVing is an excellent way to experience the diversity of the US and meet new people.

4. Avoiding New People

Every one of us enjoys being around people, but there is at least one who doesn’t like anything to do or with people. Both introverts as well as extroverts make up the camping community. It is usually easy to tell the difference by the way they set up their campsites. Extroverts tend to be less bothered by their neighbors while introverts may choose to camp at a different campsite to avoid being disturbed. If you are the second type of RVer, you don’t need to worry about what other people think.

It is a grave concern to be isolated from other people these days. Being outside in open spaces can help to avoid catching contagious diseases. There are plenty of campsites across the US, so it’s easy to find one that is far enough from others so you don’t have to worry about getting sick. This self-quarantine is better than staying at home with cabin fever and not being able to go outside.

5. Family Bonds Increased

If you were a child and went camping with your family, I am sure you have many fond memories. Camping allows you to spend more time with your family, and it can also help you strengthen the relationships you already have. Fishing, hunting, and hiking don’t only build character. These activities give you the opportunity to share what you know with your children. It’s a great way for you to reconnect with your partner and not have to worry about society. Being dependent on one person and living in close quarters can help you see them differently.

Modern life offers us many distractions that make it difficult to bond with those we love. It can be difficult to make time for each other and to enjoy one another’s company when there are so many distractions. We often miss the small moments that make a difference in each other’s lives. We can sometimes get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to notice the important changes happening within our families. It is amazing how much a simple night spent roasting marshmallows and exchanging stories can do. RV trips with dispersed campsites can be a great way to reestablish that connection with loved ones.

6. Going back to the Outdoors

In the grand scheme, human beings living in their own homes is a new concept. Civilization is far from where it evolved, and it shows. You can experience the rough-and-tumble lifestyle of your ancestors by traveling in an RV. We aren’t really hunter-gatherers anymore, unless you consider shopping at Walmart “gathering”, but we still have a lot of our primitive instincts. The problem is that the more time we spend in a secure, protected environment surrounded by others, the less competitive edge we have that made humans the dominant species of the planet.

You might be a less passionate primal hunter, but you still enjoy the vast views of pine, spruce and birch. National forests and wildlife preserves can provide a great place to get lost and recharge your spirit. People are not meant to live in places that make them feel disconnected from nature. We are still part of nature at heart. It calls to us even though we choose to ignore it. The outdoors can revive your spirit and give you a sense of calm that is unlike anything else. You should answer the call of the outdoors the next time it calls. It might surprise you how different your feelings are after a visit.

7. Convenient Travel

We mentioned that international travel should be limited to avoid a pandemic. Travelling locally can also pose risks, as you may be flying to an area that is already impacted by the virus. With an RV, you don’t face the same problems. You don’t have to plan, book a hotel, worry about transportation to your destination, or worry about your check-in time. You just need to fill up your camper with gas and get supplies so you can go out on the road searching for anything.

8. Cost-Effective

You can travel to any place and pay for your stay could have a huge impact on your wallet. You don’t have to travel to exotic destinations. You might find that even staying in the same state as your destination can be more expensive than you are willing to pay. This is not a problem with an RV. It’s easy to pick a place you like, drive there, camp, then return home the next morning. You don’t need to spend money on airfare or hotel rooms. Although gas is an expense, it’s not as expensive as other vacations such as cruises and all-inclusive resorts.

An RV allows you to cook your own meals so you don’t have the need to pay high-priced restaurants. You have the freedom to choose where you want your money to go, and RV camping allows you to do that without having to pay for accommodation.

Simply the Best Way To Travel

You can go anywhere the road leads you. Travel like this allows you to appreciate the country and people you meet along the way. There are plenty of opportunities to avoid meeting people if you don’t like the idea of meeting new people. A vacation option that is so affordable and flexible has never been available before. You are missing out on an amazing opportunity to experience RV camping. You might be surprised at the cost of long weekend getaways if you ask someone who does it often. These are the best ways to travel.

RVing is like an adventure you are fully prepared for.

Visit Headquarters Park in Crane Lake, Minnesota


A guide for cold-weather camping

Do you want to cold-weather camp? It would be wonderful if your RV could be parked near a ski slope or other great spot for winter RV camping.

Our goal is for you to use your RV all winter long. This includes winterizing, storing, maintaining it and renting it out to other people in warmer areas.

Camping in cold conditions is defined as:

Cold weather camper is a person who stays in an RV when it is cold outside.  Therefore, camping above freezing presents a different set of problems and considerations than full-fledged winter camping.  Your pipes will freeze if the temperature drops below 32°F. This will cause your heating bills to increase and leave your family disappointed.

Another factor to consider when winter camping with an RV is wind. Winter weather can bring cold winds, even when temperatures are above freezing. Because of the ease at which cold winds can penetrate RV windows and doors, it can be difficult to RV camp in winter.

Why go to a camp for cold weather?

You can enjoy some of the most beautiful sights in the country by cold-weather RVing.  You could live close to a ski slope, or near national parks that offer almost the entire area to you for a fraction of the cost of a condo. Or you could choose to live wherever you like, regardless of Mother Nature’s wishes.

This does not mean RVing in winter must be miserable. It is possible to camp in cold conditions at a place you love and return home to a warm camper.  Check your heater if you plan to RV camp in winter.  Although propane heaters in RVs aren’t much different since their introduction, they remain one of the most difficult appliances.

It’s almost certain that your RV heater will fail, and it will be the coldest night in the year. This is not unlike a 60-degree week. We are well into the weekend. You’re also hundreds of miles away from the nearest town.  Winter camping can be a nightmare. Make sure your heater is inspected and maintained annually by a professional.

Camping: How can you prevent your pipes freezing

Winter camping is all about keeping water flowing.  To prevent your RV pipes from freezing, you should follow these steps:  A heated hose can be used to maintain the city’s water supply.

If you don’t have a hot water source, your RV’s freshwater tank can be used as an alternative to a heated water hose or city water.  It will keep your freshwater tank frozen if it is kept warm. The downside to this is that you will need to refill your freshwater tank every now and again.  It’s generally not a good idea for black and gray tanks to be left open during cold weather camping. These fluids can freeze in the sewage hose.

Do not dump your tanks until they are almost full. This will allow your camper’s internal temperature to keep fluids from freezing.  To prevent black/gray tanks freezing, pour a little RV antifreeze down the toilet and sink drains. After draining the tanks, add more antifreeze.  Wrap low-temperature heat tape around external hoses during winter months to keep them frozen.

If you are in a rush, you can let your water drip, but this will cause water waste. This is because moving water freezes slower than stationary water. Boondocking is a method that drains your freshwater tank, and then fills your grey water tank within a single night.

Tips to Stay Safe While Camping in Cold

Winter camping requires extra precautions. Be aware of slippery conditions, especially when camping on black ice. Winter RVs are especially dangerous due to the ice. Keep an emergency kit for your RV in case you are stranded along the road. Keep extra water, food and blankets in your vehicle in case you get frostbite.


14 Essential Things to Bring on Your Winter RV Trip

winter rv camping

winter rv campingMany people store their RV in the winter, but others feel the need to get out on the roads. An RV is a great choice for a relaxing getaway. It’s also a cost-effective option for people who want to get out on the road. It’s also a great time of year to visit urban areas. Many cities have year-round rv campgrounds and the many indoor attractions that they have.

A Memorial Day weekend RV trip might require you to bring bathing suits, lawn chairs, and bikes. But a cold weather packing checklist is different. These are 14 items you should bring to make your cold-weather RV trip safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.

1. Thermostat indoor/outdoor

Many RVs are equipped with critical systems in their basements. These thermometers can be used to monitor the temperature in these areas. This little device often has a humidity gauge. Too much humidity can cause damage to the components inside.

2. Powerless dehumidifier

These dehumidifiers are standalone and non-powered. They absorb humidity from the air. This helps to reduce humidity buildup from heating systems or liquid propane.

3. Collapsible shovel

This is a great tool to use if you need to remove snow from your campsite or build up snow on your RV’s roof. It won’t take up too much space.

4. Kitty litter

Do not worry dog lovers! This is not for what you think. Kitty litter can be used to help your tires grab snow and ice in your campsite.

5. Skirt

Skirting your RV can be a smart way of keeping basements and storage warm. You can also build a sort of igloo-like structure around your RV to keep heat out and prevent cold air from escaping. However, this requires some accumulation.

6. Protection of water and drain lines

It’s a smart idea to keep some insulation handy in case of temperature drop if you intend to connect water or drainage lines.

7. Layers of clothing

We can attest to the fact that layering is a great way to stay warm in northern Indiana. Layers take up much less space than bulky winter clothing!

8. Slippers

Slippers are a great choice. While some of our models have heated floors, most RVs do not. You’ll feel comfortable and warm even when the temperature drops outside.

9. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors

These are essential for all seasons but are particularly important if your RV’s heating system is on the fritz.

10. Movies and books

You never know when you might feel the need to curl up in your home for the day or be greeted by uncooperative weather. Be prepared with books and the movies you have been meaning to see.

11. Puzzles

We just love puzzles, that’s all we can say. If you have a dull day, they will make your time fly.

12. Fireplace wood

Campfires are a great idea at any time of the year, but especially when it’s cooler out. S’mores are also a great idea at any time of the year!

13. Sneakers

You will likely pack a pair of boots if snow is predicted. They are not ideal for driving because of their thick soles. Comfortable shoes should allow you to feel the pedals when driving.

14. The owner’s manual

It’s important to be aware of the weather and take extra precautions if there are freezing temperatures. You should always have your owner’s guide handy in case temperatures drop below freezing.


Frozen RV Pipes

If you’ve ever experienced the excitement of winter camping, you’re probably already hooked.

You will receive a greater return on your investment if you use the RV or travel trailer during all four seasons, as opposed to just the warmer months. Here are some tips for preventing frozen pipes during cold weather.

Why is it important that the pipes don’t freeze?

It is in your best interest, regardless of your location, to keep the water flowing freely through these pipes. In the short term, you will be unable to use your camper’s water or water connections. Since having access to running water is one of the many advantages of RV travel, this is a major letdown.

Moreover, frozen pipes can result in expensive repairs in the future. Because water expands when it freezes, ice can cause damage to pipes and water tanks. Before venturing out in freezing temperatures, you must winterize your RV to avoid these problems.

How Long Must Temperatures Be Below Freezing Before RV Pipes Freeze?

It will only take approximately 24 hours of subfreezing temperatures (below 32 degrees Fahrenheit) for the RV’s pipes to freeze. Since the average length of a trip is considerably longer, you should definitely act in advance.

If the RV’s undercarriage is enclosed or heated, the pipes may continue to function for a while longer. Similarly, if the RV has adequate insulation, ice will take longer to form. Any measures you can take to protect the pipes will pay off in spades in the long run.

How do I prevent my RV’s black tank from freezing?

First, investigate the location of your holding tanks. If they’re above the floor, you won’t have to worry as much about frost because the heat from the furnace will keep them warm. However, if the tanks are located in the underbelly, they will freeze much faster.

In either case, there is an RV-specific non-toxic antifreeze available. It can be distinguished from the poisonous variety by its color, which is typically pink rather than bright green.

Empty the black water tank completely and close the dump valve. Two quarts of non-toxic antifreeze should be flushed down the toilet. Depending on the size of the tank, add an additional quart or so of antifreeze if necessary. You will also need to add more antifreeze as the tank slowly refills, as the waste will eventually dilute it.

If you have a gray water tank, you should also pour the same quantity of antifreeze down the sink and shower drains. Try not to allow the tanks to fill more than halfway before emptying them and repeating the procedure outlined in the preceding section.

How can I prevent the freezing of my freshwater tank?

You have several options for protecting your freshwater storage tank.

Check the location first, as you did with the black water tank. Wrap the exterior of tanks located above the floor with a heater blanket or drum to provide additional protection. Keep in mind that you will need either a DC current or a 120V outlet to power a holding tank heating pad. Heating pads with a strong adhesive can also be utilized for tanks installed in the RV’s underbelly.

The alternative is to winterize the holding tanks as if you were storing the RV for the winter. If you take this step, you can continue to use the RV during the winter months. Simply bring plenty of drinking water with you and use the restrooms at campgrounds and rest stops whenever possible. Winter RV camping will be difficult, but you won’t have to worry about your tanks freezing.

Without heat, at what temperature will pipes freeze?

Because temperatures can vary greatly from place to place, even within the same state, it can be difficult to determine when you are approaching the danger zone. It is important to remember, however, that when RV pipes are exposed to the elements without heat or insulation, they will begin to freeze at 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Anyone planning RV winter camping should take all available precautions to prevent this from happening.

Can An RV Freeze In One Night?

Even though it only takes 24 hours of continuous low temperatures for RV pipes to freeze, you likely need not worry about them freezing overnight. Because the weather typically warms up slightly during the day, below-freezing temperatures typically only last a few hours. It will take longer for the water in your tanks to completely freeze, so the occasional use of the facilities will also mitigate the risk.

What else can be done to prevent the freezing of pipes while boondocking? Check the weather reports, particularly the hourly forecasts, as a first step. These will provide you with an estimate of when freezing temperatures will begin and how long they are expected to last.

Additionally, you can keep the RV’s interior as warm as possible. Open the cabinet doors beneath the sink to circulate warm air around the plumbing. Also, keep the bathroom door open.

Because running water does not freeze, maintain a slow trickle from the faucets. You should not empty your freshwater tank more than necessary. This is a technique that many people employ in their homes.

Tips For Thawing Frozen Pipes

If your pipes freeze despite your best efforts, turn up the heat and open any cabinets or drawers to help get the water flowing again. If necessary, you can also use space heaters or blow dryers. The procedure could take up to 12 hours, so please be patient. Do not attempt to turn on the water pump, as it will not function, and you may cause additional damage to the machinery.

After the pipes have thawed, check for drips that would indicate leaks. These may be found beneath the RV, behind the paneling, and in storage areas. When you return home, have a professional inspect the camper if you did not find any problems.

About RV Heat Tape

Those of you who intend to remain at your designated campsite for an extended period of time would do well to invest in some heat tape.

Heat tape is actually a long cable that can measure ambient temperatures to determine whether or not additional insulation is required. When temperatures drop, a strong current flow between the conductors, delivering an increase in heat to the surrounding environment. In contrast, as the temperature rises, the current will weaken, conserving energy for when it is required.

Heat tape requires an electrical connection and is available at most hardware stores. When it is wrapped around the pipes in a residence, it will prevent them from freezing. The best way to use it in a recreational vehicle is to run it parallel to the water and sewer hoses.

Before purchasing a coil of heat tape, examine your RV’s water and sewage systems as cable lengths can vary significantly.

Final Reflections

Frozen pipes are inconvenient and will shorten the lifespan of your RV if they occur frequently.

You’re reading this guide, so you’re already committed to taking the necessary precautions to prevent this. We recommend the RV heat tape, but any of the tips will help you protect your pipes for future adventures.


Fall Season RV Camping

rv camping

rv campingCamping in the fall is one of the most beautiful times to be outdoors. The changing colors of autumn leaves make for some of the most breathtaking photographic backgrounds. Fall camping can still be a lot of fun if you’re properly prepared for the weather.

Here are a few suggestions to help you make fall camping an annual tradition:

Observe the weather:

Today, it is simple to predict the weather a week in advance. Fall camping trips can be planned with short notice, as campsites are rarely occupied during this season. Check the forecasts for the rv parks you intend to visit prior to your trip, as autumn weather can change rapidly. Remember that warm weather can quickly change in the fall. During your camping trip, you should always be prepared for the possibility of snow, rain, or other severe weather, depending on your destination.

Make sure your RV is prepared for fall camping:

Preparing your RV for camping in the fall is an often-overlooked fall camping tip.

If you are anything like us, you initially considered all the impacts on you (clothes, heat, the best spots for leaf-peeping), but you may not consider the technical side. We have already mentioned that heat is a significant factor when RV camping in the fall. Once you have figured out how to heat your RV, there are a few other fall camping tips to consider. Ensure that your RV’s seals are in excellent condition and that cold air cannot enter.

Bringing caulk along is also a good idea (even when not camping in the fall) Utilize additional drapes, rugs, blankets, and other cozy accessories to increase interior warmth. Fall temperatures can fall below freezing in some instances (it happened once or twice for us). Make sure you know how to disconnect the water and water hoses to prevent frozen pipes!

Bring a sleeping bag for cold weather:

Nighttime camping temperatures will be drastically different than in the summer. And nothing ruins a camping trip faster than a night spent shivering in the cold and unable to sleep. Warmth is best maintained with mummy sleeping bags because they hug the body more closely. The majority of them feature a hood that encircles the head to trap heat that would otherwise escape. If your sleeping bag does not have a hood, wearing a hat while you sleep will prevent heat from escaping your head.

Good attire:

It is important to pack layerable clothing during the fall. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to pack a few extra sleeping bags or blankets for nighttime warmth in your RV. It’s easy to become dehydrated in cooler, drier conditions, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. You can also heat the water at night and sleep with it in a bottle (warm drinks before bed can also help). And finally, pack a few extra light sources, such as headlamps or portable lanterns, because you will lose sunlight faster in the fall.

Soak up the splendor of autumn.

No matter where or how you camp in the fall, the experience is unforgettable. The landscape is drastically different than in the summertime.

Moreover, cooler weather means fewer insects. I feel as though we should have spent less time swatting mosquitoes and more time enjoying the aroma of apple cider warming over a campfire. There are numerous reasons why you should consider an autumn camping trip, but we’ll sum them up by saying “you won’t regret it.”

RV Camping Close to Voyager National Park

rv camping

rv campingHave you heard of Voyageurs National Park before? Crane Lake and the boundaries of Voyageurs National Park and Superior National Forest are just a short drive away from Headquarters RV Park. We offer offers fifteen spacious, full-service, elevated, and secluded sites with natural rock surfaces. Our central location is just a short drive from the beautiful shores of Crane Lake and on the border of Voyageurs National Park and Superior National Forest. Our location makes Headquarters a perfect home base for all of your north woods adventures!

In addition to Voyageurs National Park and Superior National Forest, we are near a number of lakes, including Crane Lake, Echo Lake, Myrtle Lake, Black Duck Lake, Vermilion Lake, Elephant Lake, Namakan Lake, and several Boundary Water Canoe Area access points.

Never before have you experienced the Northern Outdoors like this! It is a paradise for boating and fishing. Come ride your bicycles and ATVs! There are numerous trails nearby. Although we are situated in the heart of the Voyageur wilderness, our location is anything but dull. Summer is filled with enjoyable events.

Come Unplug at Headquarter RV Park

unplug at HQ RV Park

unplug at HQ RV ParkPeople can connect more easily unplug when they are removed from the bustle of the city. You might have been considering how to make the most of the pleasant weather as summer approaches quickly. Fortunately, HeadQuarters RV Park in Northern Minnesota’s stunning Crane Lake region is everything you need to find.

This is the perfect place to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature. We provide the conveniences you need to make your stay as pleasant as possible while still allowing you to take in the breathtaking beauty that only a natural environment can offer. You will always have a lot of water pressure thanks to our water system. Additionally, you can use our 20, 30, or 50 amp electrical service to enjoy your RV’s amenities.

This is the perfect location if you’re seeking for a beautiful setting with access to hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. There are many clear, stunning lakes and woodlands all around us. Echo, Crane, Black Duck, and Myrtle Lake are a few of the top lakes. There are several miles of trails to explore near our site, which borders both Superior National Forest and Voyagers National Park.

While you will be surrounded by lovely woodlands, a large range of activities and attractions are still only a short distance away. Although it’s nice to completely disconnect and get away to the woods, if you prefer a little nightlife or dining, you won’t be let down by the nearby eateries, historic structures, specialty shops, or even a 9-hole golf course.

Regarding your length of stay, we provide a huge range of possibilities. You can reserve a spot for a single day or the entire season. All of the fantastic amenities you would want are included in our very reasonable pricing. However, due to strong demand and the stunning setting, seats can fill up extremely quickly, so be sure to get in touch with us as soon as you can to book your reservation.

Call us right away to make a reservation or with any queries you may have. We can be reached at (218) 570-1376. Just make sure to reserve your accommodations as soon as you can if you want to spend your summer in Minnesota’s northern forests.

Why Should You Visit Headquarters RV Park?

rv setup

Headquarters RV ParkFor a vacation to be deemed successful, it must be well-planned and financially supported. You must find a solution to stay inside your budget without sacrificing your outdoor excursion. You’ll need a home base during your trip so you can relax and unwind when you’re not feeling adventurous like Headquarters RV Park. Hotel residency can be costly in the long run, especially if you do not spend the majority of your time in the room. So, what are your options? Choosing Headquarters RV Park for your travels can be both cost-effective and enjoyable. Headquarters RV will ensure that your stay feels like a home away from home.

Attractions Nearby

Attractions provide the foundation for memorable summer experiences. Despite its location in the heart of the Voyageur wilderness, Headquarters RV Park hosts a variety of exciting summer events. Exploring the county’s diverse birding wildlife, ATV rides, live music bands, art festivals, shopping, and even golfing are just a few of the activities and things to check out during your stay. You can go fishing, hiking, or boating through the lakes in the Voyageurs National Park. This location’s beauty and solitude are unrivaled, so make your reservation today! There is also an annual 4th of July wild fun parade with fireworks that light up the night along Crane Lake street.

Rental Period

Accommodation and rental pricing are two main concerns for RV travelers. Headquarters RV Park offers affordable rental rates that will suit any traveler’s budget. You can enjoy the flavor of the gorgeous wilderness northwoods location whether you are visiting for a day, week, or months. So, whether you’re looking for a summer break or a cross-country pit stop, we have the perfect guest package for you. We recognize that summer is a time for relaxing, traveling, and trying new things, which is why you’ll need a home base of operations to call your temporary sanctuary. We take care of the travel hassles while providing a complete summer of fun and excitement.

Make an appointment with us today! Our places fill up quickly, so register your spot early to ensure that you have the finest summer of your life. To hold your spot, we demand a non-refundable $50 deposit, and any cancellations will result in your card being charged the full fee of the reservation. For more information, please contact us at (218) 750-1376 or headquartersrvpark@gmail.com.